There are several committees which carry out of some of the more detailed work on behalf of the board of directors. These committees have the power to make decisions.

Audit and risk committee

The audit and risk committee has been established to provides assurance that adequate and appropriate governance structures, processes and controls are in place throughout the Trust.

In carrying out this function, the committee will primarily use the work of internal audit and other assurance functions, but will not be limited to these functions. It will also seek reports and assurances from directors and managers as appropriate.

The committee may request and review reports and assurances (positive or negative) from directors and managers on the overall arrangements for governance and risk management.

Read the terms of reference for the audit and risk committee here.

Finance and performance committee

The finance and performance committee provides assurance that adequate and appropriate governance structures, processes and controls are in place throughout the Trust, carrying out these responsibilities:

  • Over-arching review of financial risk
  • Overview of the Trust’s financial processes and monitoring returns to NHS England/Improvement, ensuring finances are managed within the allocated resources to deliver an efficient and effective service
  • Provide assurance to the board on the financial controls of the Trust
  • Oversee the Trust’s accountabilities in regard to data and information, establishing and regularly reviewing policy, procedures, practice and processes are effective, providing assurance to the board
  • Provide assurance of the Trust’s compliance with its regulatory and statutory duties pertaining to data and information and the effective governance of data and information within the Trust
  • Provide assurance that the performance framework enables the Trust to proactively manage its quality, financial and people performance agenda including oversight through committees
  • Oversee the strategies for finance, estates, digital transformation and sustainability and green plan

Read the terms of reference for the finance and performance committee here.

Mental health legislation committee

The mental health legislation committee ensures the effective application and administration of mental health legislation.

This means but is not exclusive to:

  • Mental Health Act 1983
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)
  • and any associated secondary pieces of legislation e.g. codes of practice

Read the terms of reference for the mental health legislation committee here.

People committee

The people committee provides assurance that adequate and appropriate governance structures, processes and controls are in place in respect of the workforce, organisational development and any other matters that shall be determined to fall within its remit.

The committee has primary responsibility for receiving assurance regarding all aspects of strategic workforce and organisational development relating to staff in support of getting the best outcomes.

The committee will provide assurance to the board regarding the following strategic areas:

  • Workforce
  • Equality and diversity
  • Recruitment and retention
  • Staff development
  • Role transformation
  • Staff health, safety and wellbeing
  • Organisation development and design
  • Culture development
  • Staff engagement
  • Leadership development
  • Talent management
  • Succession planning

Read the terms of reference for the people committee here.

Quality assurance committee

The quality assurance committee oversees and ensures the effective delivery of:

  • Safe care at all times
  • Timely access to effective care
  • Positive experience and outcomes for service users and carers
  • Effective quality assurance and improvement underpins all we do

Some specific areas identified by NHSE are requiring oversight at committee level or by named individuals and which would be covered by this committee as part of regular reporting includes where relevant: Hip fracture, falls and dementia, learning from deaths, safety and risk, palliative and end of life care, health and safety, children and young people, resuscitation policy and safeguarding.

Read the terms of reference for the quality assurance committee here.

Remuneration and nomination committee

The remuneration and nomination committee is:

  • responsible for supporting and approving the recruitment of executive directors to board positions and agreeing their remuneration and other conditions of service
  • responsible for considering and actioning any matter relating to the continuation in office of any executive director at any time, including the suspension or termination of service of an individual as an employee of our Trust
  • responsible for agreeing the remuneration and other conditions of service of other very senior managers outside of Agenda for Change

Read the terms of reference for the remuneration and nominations committee here.

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